位於元朗站附近嘅海洋泰拳會「Ocean Muay Thai & Fitness」交通方便,設施齊全得嚟環境又乾淨企理✨, 而且仲要係由5屆拳王親自執教!將專業泰拳訓練同 Keep Fit 結合,以輕鬆好玩嘅手法同大家鍛練身心! 歡迎不同程度的會員及初學者!Beginners and Veteran are Welcome! Call us now at 69327336 (Tel.)
O運動及健身 / 拳擊格鬥Ocean Muay Thai

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物業地產 / 辦公室買賣天恩物業 Janet CHAN

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plunger and barrel assembly 1 418 305 540 marked 1305-540 A plunger suit for ISUZU

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💁🏼‍♂️ 本公司成立多年,經驗豐富,待人以誠,盡責守時,設備齊全,竭力為顧客提供方便快捷、價格合理的貼心大嶼山運輸服務。歡迎隨時致電查詢或預約,📞 5409 9397。💁🏻‍♀️ We are committed to provide you Reliable, Affordable, Convenient and Professional transporting services.
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V商業 / 顧問Video Hong Kong

私人健身教練能為你提供身體評估,度身訂造合適的訓練計劃 成效顯著。教導你訂立目標,有效地為客戶達到減肥瘦身,改善體形,結實肌肉,增強體能,強大肌肉,創傷康復,姿勢矯正,體形健碩等目標,改善你的身型。教練會針對學員的個人的健身目標,設計飲食處方,改善其飲食習慣,幫助你達致最佳健康狀態。
運動及健身 / 健身私人健身教練-Jerry

All products are brand new, unlocked sealed in box comes with 1 year international warranty and also 6 months return policy - 100% Genuine Products. Reasonable discount on purchase of more than 1 unit
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